Coffee is a life-saving option for most of the people residing in this world. The quarrel between the love for coffee and tea is one which to date has not reached an end. Though being a tea lover by heart, I love binging on a cup of coffee while having a conversation with my loved ones. But do you know the story of coffee?
Coffee originated long before we can even imagine, and it is carrying its charm still now. The market importance of coffee has exceeded than any other day to day beverages.
What is coffee?
Different types of berry seeds are brewed together to form coffee beans which are then slow-roasted to produce that dark brown-colored liquid which we all need to keep ourselves wide awake. While some prefer it black, others like to jazz it up with other elements like milk, sugar, etc to create a more soothing effect. But when you wonder why one jar of coffee costs so much, well that’s because the process of creating industrial grade coffee is not a matter of joke.
The full process has four phases-
It may sound easy, but if the workers overlook any small details a full batch of coffee can get ruined. It takes an expert to understand the maturity of the berries, selecting the ideal process, amount of polishing, and then dividing them into grades for packaging.
There are 4 main variations of coffee beans-
Due to high quality, these costs much higher than all the others and are consumed the most.
They are more acidic when compared to Robusta coffee beans.
The Robusta beans don’t have an exact almond shape instead they are more like small balls.
The flavor is much more bitter and deep.
These beans are mainly used for home brewing and can hold milk and sugar more than other beans.
Liberica beans have a very woody flavor with a floral and fruity aroma.
It was discovered in 1890 due to the lack of Arabica beans.
Excelsa beans are consumed the least.
They have got a fruity tart like smell and make a much smoother brew.
Health Benefits of Coffee-
There are some antioxidants present in coffee that positively affects health and have lots of health benefits.
Coffee can reduce pain, especially after a workout.
Consuming coffee can increase your fiber intake.
It can also reduce suicidal tendencies and depression.
People addicted to coffee has a lesser gout risk.
Coffee increases life longevity.
It prevents retinal damage.
Periodontal disease can also be protected.
Coffee can also fight against melanoma.
Coffee protects you from Parkinson’s disease.
People consuming coffee have a lesser risk of having cardiac diseases.
According to theories DNA of a coffee consumer is stronger than non-consumers.
Coffee protects against cirrhosis of the liver.
It reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes.
Alzheimer’s risk is also lowered.
Coffee lowers the risk of getting multiple sclerosis.
Coffee consumption can cure colorectal cancer.
It can also reduce liver cancer risk.
USDA recommends coffee for good health and better lifestyle
Coffee can reduce the chances of getting a heart attack.
It helps people to socialize more.
Myths surrounding coffee are abundant that has given birth to many misconceptions also.
Myth: Drinking coffee during the day makes you an insomniac.
Fact: Your body processes post-lunch coffee at the fastest rate and in just 7-8 hours it gets
flushed out hence removing all the elements that can trigger insomnia.
Myth: Coffee should be made with boiling water.
Fact: Your coffee will have a burning taste if you add too much hot water to it.
Myth: Coffee dehydrates you.
Fact: Dehydration is not at all an option when it comes to coffee because of its watery consistency.
Myth: Coffee cures hangover.
Fact: Coffee makes you alert but cannot curb the hangover.
Myth: Coffee helps in weight loss.
Fact: Coffee increases your metabolism very slightly, and is not enough to control your metabolism.
Myth: Caffeine is an addiction.
Fact: Coffee is not a drug. Though it stimulates the central nervous system, it can be insignificantly addictive, but the consequences of withdrawal last only for few days.
Myth: Coffee cuts the process of growth.
Fact: There is no scientific logic to back this up.
Myth: Coffee consumption can lead to health damages like cancer, heart disease, rabies, osteoporosis, scabies, etc.
Fact: A balanced quantity of daily coffee consumption will never do any harm to your body.
Myth: Coffee is not for pregnant women.
Fact: Consumption of coffee during pregnancy doesn’t harm the fetus but it's better if you opt for decaf.
Myth: Darker roasted coffee makes stronger coffee.
Fact: It’s just the opposite. The more the roast, the smoother the taste.
Myth: All coffee variations have the same amount of caffeine present in them.
Fact: Different varieties of coffee have different percentage of caffeine depending on the process of manufacturing.
Coffee is a very harmless and mood uplifting beverage. Be it a formal conversation, date, or a friends’ get-together, this beverage can set the ambiance just perfectly, and we all know it that even though tea and coffee are seen as rivals they are the two most consumed elements in our life. But like I always say, don’t overdo anything, everything needs balance and should be taken only in an appropriate quantity.
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